Pastor Cornel Stoian

I was born and raised in a Christian family committed to God and the beliefs and values of the Adventist Church. Despite my good upbringing, in my teenage years I abandoned God; yet he never abandoned, nor has forgotten me. More than thirteen years ago I sensed and answered God's call to walk by faith with Him. The challenges and experiences I've lived since then have shaped my character and understanding of His great love towards me and humanity. I pleaded God to let me serve Him all my life.
Therefore, my dream is to incorporate, through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the knowledge, gifts, skills and abilities that God has given me to empower, train, educate, mobilize, and instill a spiritual zeal for this generation, in order to help them prepare to meet the Savior. My family and I are committed to a lifelong ministry of service here on earth, and in eternity.
Chesapeake Seventh-Day Adventist Day - Pastor Cornel Stoian

Since committing his life to Christ, Cornel Stoian has been passionate about serving people who desire an authentic relationship with God. In the last 15 years, Cornel has had the privilege of serving God in the most remote villages along the Amazon River to Europe (Spain, England, Belgium, Italy, Peru, Venezuela and the United State.
The Lord has used Cornel has an instrument to lead hundreds of people to accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. He's embraced opportunities to be involved in planting churches and works to help empower individuals to use their knowledge, gifts, skills and abilities to motivate and create opportunities for others build a relationship with the Savior.
Cornel enjoys helping church members improve their relationship with God, develop spiritual gifts and personal missionary skills and instilling a desire for evangelism. He and his family are committed to a lifelong ministry of service for the Lord.