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Monthly Announcements and Events


Please send your Announcements here:

Announcements For




March 2025






TAA Announcement





Recurring Events And Announcements:












Acts Tidewater Training Events



1st Saturday of the month

1st Saturday of the month


1st Friday of the month

1st & 3rd Sabbath



3rd Sabbath of the month



Every Saturdays. (Radio)



Birthdays & Anniversaries








Sabbath School - (Only on Zoom)

  • Sabbath School 
    • Adult Sabbath School, 9:30 am: (Sanctuary & Zoom)
    • Youth Sabbath School, 9:30 am: (Youth Room in person -Not Zoom-)
    • Children's Sabbath School 9:30 am: (Classrooms in person -Not Zoom-) 
    • Zoom Link:
    •  Zoom ID: 850 0824 9005

Sabbath Service - (Only on FaceBook or YouTube)

Sabbath Service- YouTube

Sabbath Service - FaceBook

Every Wednesday 6:30pm to 8:30pm