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Sabbath Service - March 8, 2025



Elder In Charge: Mihai Oana


Speaker:Bro. Fabbian Dos Santos

Title: "How can you be God's friend?"


Announcements: Elder Mihai Oana

Praise in song: Hymn #2 - "All creatures of our God and King!"

Praise in song: Hymn #426 - "I shall see the King!"

Introit: #692 - The Lord is in His Holy Temple

Invocation: Presented by: Bro. Fabbian Dos Santos

Hymn of worship: 

Hymn #330 - "Take my life and let it be!"

Intercessory Prayer: Led by Elder Mihai Oana

Offertory Reading: Presented by Dexter Jones II

Tithe & Offering: Led by Elder Mihai Oana

Doxology: Hymn #694

Offertory Prayer: Led by Elder Mihai Oana

Children's Story: Presented by Sis. Mary Lou Bauer

Special Music: Presented by Our Youth, Hadassah Ikonne

Scripture Reading: Presented by Our Youth, Abraham Dos Santos

Isaiah 41:8

Sermon: Presented by Bro. Fabbian Dos Santos


Closing Hymn: 

Hymn #308 - "Wholly Thine"

Benediction: Presented by Bro. Fabbian Dos Santos

Closing Remarks: Presented by, Elder Mihai Oana